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Capodanno Resistente 2019

31 Dicembre 2018 @ 20:00 - 1 Gennaio 2019 @ 6:00

Cenone & Neon Nights

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ORE 20.00: CENONE!

Si propone un menù composto da ingredienti vegetali, biologici, equosolidali e, per quanto possibile, a KM 0, curato e realizzato dalla BiOsteria ALLA CUOCA ROSSA da Clara.
Disponibile anche menù per bambini.


? Tris di antipasti misti a buffet
? Lasagne ai porri
? Curry di ceci alla creola

? Bocconcini di soia marinati
? Patate e cavoletti di Bruxelles al forno
? Contorno di crudité con dressing cremoso

? Tortino al cioccolato e burro d’arachidi
? Budino di latte di nocciole al profumo di spezie

? Acqua, vino, caffè e spumante



Main stage: h. 1.00 ➡ 6.00

Roby M Rage
Nicola Belli b2b Matteo Roma
Lorenzo Venturini
★ Daniel
Roby M Rage
Born in Italy and passionate about electronic music since his youngest age. In the late 80’s, he made it it’s greatest passion starting to mix in different night clubs, festivals and radio shows. Roby M Rage was #1 in the ranking of underground dj’s on Trend Discotec in 1999 and actually he is in the Top 30 Hard Techno artists in the world.
His music is supported by John 00 Fleming, Deborah De Luca,, Dj Rush, Paco Osuna, Diarmaid O Meara, Aly & Fila, Cristian Varela, Lisa Lashes, Dr. Motte, Mark EG, Dolby D.. and much more

Nicola Belli
Although too young to take part Nicola Belli lived his childhood and adolescence in the “Rave Era” of the late 90s, the images and sounds remain impressed and infuence the musical path.
In 2001, as many djs began to put the records in small clubs in his city to become a resident dj in the university nights where a little at a time a real underground scene is formed, from there the jump in increasingly important clubs including Le Queen -Paris, Tresor – Berlin, Bora Bora – Ibiza.
His debut as a producer on Viva Music together with Dragosh (we or us) sees the support of artists such as Villalobos, Steve Lawler, Luciano and others.
He currently collaborates with the UK label Dubgestion where he can listen to his latest productions
His DJ set is a journey between timeless House and Techno music.

Matteo Roma
Matteo is an ambivalent figure in the world of electronic music. In the last decade as dj he performed in some of the best spots in Europe as Tresor in Berlin, Barrakud Festival in Croatia, Greece and Ibiza. He is also very active in his home country Italy with appearances at Alterego, Mazoom, Kinki, Jazz:Re:Found, Automat Radio and Distretto 38, experimental festival founded with his contribution. From ten years he is also author of Dj Mag, the most famous electronic music magazine in the world and contribued to many relevant projects for the development of the club culture in Italy as “What Is Clubbing” in Florence with Tenax and IED and Signal Hills, radio show on m2o. From 2018 he is also scouting new talents around the world for the international booking agency “Happy Few”.

Lorenzo Venturini
Da sempre appassionato di musica e tecnologia, Lorenzo Venturini inizia il suo percorso artistico attorno al 2003, ricercando e selezionando musica house dalle influenze soulful, tribal e funk. Con il passare del tempo acquisisce uno stile sempre più eclettico, proponendo sonorità differenti ma sempre unite dal filo conduttore del groove e della tecnica ai piatti e mixer.
Dopo svariate apparizioni nei clubs del triveneto, dal 2007 al 2011 si occupa della direzione artistica di Lakeparade Summer Festival, mentre nel 2009 fonda il collettivo BHo!, realizzando così insieme alla sua crew il sogno di poter diffondere il proprio credo musicale senza troppi compromessi.
Da qui in avanti tante le collaborazioni e le nottate nel segno della club culture, prima di tutte l’esperienza del BHo! secret party, dove grazie ad un gruppo molto affiatato sono nate diverse serate degne d’interesse per la scena underground trentina degli ultimi anni.
Lorenzo, ormai figura attiva nella nightlife da quasi 15 anni, ha affinato il suo sound, concentrandolo in un mix di house music e derivati e caratterizzato da un sano strabismo: un occhio al passato, uno al futuro e uno alla pista da ballo.

More info:
? No racism, no sexism, no omophobia
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31 Dicembre 2018 @ 20:00
1 Gennaio 2019 @ 6:00
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